Friday, September 6, 2013

A Short Outline Of Stop Smoking Merchandise

No forethought. No preparation. No gradual reduction. You wanted the best tip to quit smoking? Here it goes. Just stop. Right now. Remove that wallpaper of cigarettes off your mind's screen. Trash that pack into the bin. Stop hanging around with those friends who smoke. Be friends with those who hate smoking. Just, stop. No looking back. Think of a life without smoking. Your craving will drive you insane initially, but it will lessen gradually. Your resolve will soon overpower your cravings. Trust me. Divert your attention with loud music. When you feel like smoking, count till 1-10 in your head, and breathe deeply. Best thing about this method?

But what should you do if you do happen to come across a free stop smoking patch offer? Be very carefully before using such product and make sure it is genuine. It might be a fake patch and not have the desired effect. It might also contain harmful substances to place your health in jeopardy. The internet can provide you with everything you need to know about nicotine addiction, as well as hundreds of ways to help you quit smoking There are also many online discussion and support groups where you can communicate with people in your situation, share your thoughts, and offer and receive support.

First, we need to point out that just because they are classed as free nicotine patches does not mean that they are inferior. Instead, they are the exact same as the patches you could purchase over the counter in a chemist, so the problems that you could face with using these free ones are identical to the problems faced with any patch. Patches give you a steady dose of nicotine – there are then no ‘ups and downs.’ Although you’re still on nicotine, you've at least gotten off the nicotine ‘rollercoaster.’

Once you've quit smoking , making certain lifestyle changes can help increase the possibility of your remaining smoke free to a great extent. For instance, if you're used to smoking each time you drink, it might be a good idea to refrain from drinking for the first couple of months. And in case everybody you hang out with during your breaks smokes, it might serve you well to look for new company. In addition, ensuring that you eat healthy and incorporate some form of physical activity in your day to day life can help you deal with the stress that is associated with efforts to quit smoking

According to statistics compiled by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 85% of current smokers say that they would like to quit. Without help, however, only about 4% will succeed. To increase the odds of their success, the Colorado Quitline, a free telephone quit smoking coaching service provided by National Jewish Heatlh under contract with the State of Colorado has provided 100,000 free nicotine patches to Colorado residents since 2005. Quitline statistics suggest that smokers who use the patch in conjunction with the coaching provided by Quitline are nine times as likely to succeed in quitting as those who go it alone.