Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Hoboken Store Helps You Quit Smoking

Which Kind Of Nicotine Replacement Is Right For You?

Aids to stop smoking are available in the form of medications, therapies and products that help you to get over your addiction and deal with the withdrawal symptoms. However, before you decide on the aid that you would be using for smoking cessation, you will need to prepare yourself mentally to face the hurdles that will come your way in this process. Most people try but do not succeed, due to their lack of confidence and determination. Hence, the most important aid is your own will power and determination. You can also seek help from friends and family to provide you with some moral support during the process.

The physical vulnerability of your body to the chemical nicotine is defined as nicotine addiction. This chemical is yielded by various tobacco products. It is so influential that your body develops 'nicotine dependence'. Most tobacco products contain nicotine. Nicotine, an alkaloid, is found in the plants belonging to the family Solanaceae An average cigarette releases about 1 mg of absorbed nicotine which acts as a stimulant and is responsible for the dependence-forming properties of tobacco smoking. Some have a habit of chewing or sniffing tobacco. Now, the question is how will you know whether someone is nicotine addict?

The nicotine patch is one of the most successful ways to quit smoking. The patches are made to be worn for 16 to 24 hours. If you wake up craving a smoke then it is best to wear each patch for 24 hours. Another plus is that unlike medications that are used for quitting smoking, the patches only have one annoying side effect. When it is first applied, the fresh patch can cause some mild itching and burning. The only thing you have to do is slap the patch a few times and the itching will cease. What is Nicotine Patch?

Nicotine Patches use what is called a “transdermal” delivery system – in other words, through your skin - to provide a steady level of nicotine for the entire time you’re wearing it. With these, it can take up to three hours to ‘deliver the hit,’ so you can’t regulate your nicotine intake in the moment the way you can with other NRT methods like gum or sprays. On the other hand, you don’t get the up-and-down effect of a normal nicotine addiction, either, which is good. Nicotine patches are easier to quit than other nicotine replacement methods, so that another bonus.

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